LSU AG Gardening Course Module 5

Types of Plant Reproduction

  • sexual (seeds)
  • asexual (vegetative)

Sexual Reproduction

  • parts of the plants are from the previous module.
  • seeds generate differently between monocot and dicot
  • epicotyl is usually the first thing that shows up out of the ground
  • seeds go dormant so that they don't sprout too close to the parent


  • breaking the seed coat so that the dormancy can be broken
  • stratification - related to a chemical dormacy
  • seeds can be started in the seed.
  • if you use your fridge for stratifiction, be sure to label it


  • requires moisture, temperature, oxygen, light
  • look at that charts for the seed temperature for the plant
  • heat pads may be needed for germination for those that have higher germination temperatures

Why to start your own plant

  • extend the growing season
  • wider selection of varieties
  • more control over environment
  • save money
  • increases survival rate (already has a head start with your environment)
  • reduces weed competition
  • helps you grow the exact number of plants

Seed Planting

  • select your varieties, start at least 6 weeks before the growing season
  • get seed trays
  • get seed starting mix (usually no soil, things that hold mixture and fertilizer)
  • have seed starting area ready
  • sterilize the container before you use it
  • make sure that it has drainage, maybe holes in the bottom


  • flats
  • old cans
  • milk jugs
  • egg cartons
  • baby food jars

Saving Seeds

  • save money
  • preserve diversity
  • retain pest resistance
  • connect with what you grow
  • create new varieties adapted to your growing conditions

hybrid vs open pollinated

  • open pollinated will produce a seed that is almost or identical to the parent
  • hybrids are intentionally crosspollinated. they have specific characteristics that the grower wants. they come from the same two different parents

Saving Seeds

  • the fruit and seed mature simultaneously
  • remove the seed from fruit
  • clean the seed
  • dry the seed
  • package the seed and label completely
  • get seed packets... can use envelope from office supply store

Storing Seeds

  • dry, low humidity, less than 10% humidity
  • cool, 32-45 degrees
  • can use the silica packets
  • seeds last from 1 to 7 years, depends on the plant